Hey everyone! We are so excited to start our very own blog dedicated to Stella Accessories!
We thought for our first entry it would be fun for you guys to get to know each one of us, so we have compiled a collection of all the necessary things you need to know about us!
Full Name: Alexia Jean Panza
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Birthday: March 14, 1988
Favorite Color:BARBIE Pink
Favorite Activity: Spending time with my pomeranian, Stella
Favorite Song: R. Kelly Ignition Remix
Most Overused Phrase: "Thats so rude!"
Most likely to: Embarrassingly trip and fall while running outside!
Celebrity Crush: Ed Westwick
Favorite TV Show: Honestly-Brothers and Sisters, Secretly-The Real Housewives of NYC
Favorite Website: Pandora-what an amazing invention!
Favorite Candy: Chocolate Covered Gummi Bears
Pet Peeve: Facebook videos
Favorite Quote: "You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales, that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close you could taste them, but eventually you grow up, one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But the thing is its hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely cause almost everyone has that smallest bit of hope, of faith, that one day they will open their eyes and it will come true." Greys Anatomy
Full Name: Danielle Melissa Zuckerman
Hometown: Manalapan, NJ
Birthday: March 14, 1988
Color: Orange
Activity: making headbands duh, reading menu pages, loving the puppy
Favorite Song: 5 years time --Noah and the whale, Nobody's Perfect --hannah montana, Made For Each Other --jack's mannequin
Most Overused Phrase: "I just wanna like always have so much fun."
Most Likely To: fall asleep standing up
Celebrity Crush: Miley Cyrus
Favorite TV Show: 24, law and order svu
Favorite Website: WWW.STELLAACCESSORIES.COM, www.sporcle.com, www.fmylife.com, www.postsecret.com
Favorite Candy: anything dark chocolate
Pet Peeve: people who pretend to like me, when someone won't try a new food
Favorite Quote: "Wherever you are, it's your friends who make your world."
Full Name: Samantha Jo Vigorito
Hometown: Monroe, CT
Birthday: February 27, 1988
Favorite Color: to wear, Black but in general, purple?
Favorite Activity: DANCING, ANY CHANCE I GET!!
Favorite Song: Ordinary People, John Legend
Most Overused Phrase: "So what's the cool jams? What's everybody listening to?"
Most Likely To: know exact details in a celebrity scandal
Celebrity Crush: Chuck Bass, Kim Kardashian
Favorite TV Show: Gossip Girl, Nip/Tuck
Favorite Website: www.perezhilton.com, www.postsecret.blogspot.com
Favorite Candy: M&M's
Pet Peeve: When people type LiKe ThIzz, and wet paper products
Favorite Quote: "We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make and manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -- Nelson Mandela
Full Name: Taylor Angelina Sugrue
Hometown: Manalapan, NJ
Birthday: May 14, 1988
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Activity: Knitting with my Mom, going to the beach with my friends, playing taboo with my friends, making new headbands, watching family guy with my brother
Favorite Song: Dancing in the Moonlight, Toploader, Sunday Morning Maroon 5, Opus 17-Frankie valley and the four seasons
Most Overused Phrase: "Oh Sweet"
Most Likely To: Play a song on repeat, wake up first in the apartment
Celebrity Crush: Zac Efron, Nick Jonas, James Franco
Favorite TV Show: Roseanne
Favorite Website: www.astrology.com
Favorite Candy: Gumballs
Pet Peeve: Rude People
Favorite Quote: "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
Henry David Thoreau
Full Name: Stella Principessa Panza
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Birthday: March 2007
Favorite Color:Macaroni and Cheese
Favorite Activity: Barking at delivery men and cuddling with my roommates
Favorite Song: Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Most overused phrase:"Girls!"
Most likely to: Kiss and tell
Celebrity Crush: Matzoball-Adam Sandlers bulldog
Favorite TV Show: Gossip Girl
Biggest Pet Peeve: Taylor Sugrue
Favorite Website: www.gofugyourself.com
Favorite Quote:“Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be.” Princess Diana